FONS Needs You! – FONS is looking to expand our Board of Directors and our volunteer base! INTERESTED? CONTACT US!
FONS May Social
Quattro Osteria The Village at Lexington Gardens 32 Church Hill Road, Newtown (across the parking lot from Marketplace restaurant). Join other seniors for dinner and conversation! Please RSVP to Janice Garten at 203-304-9196 to reserve a spot.
Memory Café
C. H. Booth Library 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT, United StatesAline Marie from The Newtown Yoga Center will guide participants through a Mindfulness Practice. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in each moment, exactly how you are. It can be practiced seated, standing and involves some very gentle stretching and walking. A Memory Café is a welcoming place for people with changes in their […]
Shoprite Nutmeg State Pickleball Ongoing Registration
Tournament will be held June 9 - 11 at the Rocky Hill Tennis & Fitness Center in Rocky Hill, CT. For more information, click here.
Paper Shredding Event
FONS will be co-hosting a Paper Shredding Event with Newtown Savings Bank. For a small fee you can securely dispose of your confidential documents. All proceeds to benefit FONS. Seniors pay $5 per box; all others $10 per box to securely dispose of confidential documents. Please remove any paper clips from documents. If you have […]
Benefit Concert to support Newtown Youth & Family Services (NYFS)
Trinity Episcopal Church 36 Main Street, Newtown, CTThe concert, presented by Trinity Episcopal Church and the Connecticut Choral Society, will feature full and treble choirs in John Rutter’s non-liturgical Missa brevis, Mass of the Children and also highlight performances of J.S. Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, Kurt Bestor’s Prayer of the Children and Ann Hampton Callaway’s At the Same […]
“Murder Me Always” at the Little Theatre
The Little Theater Orchard Hill Rd, Newtown, CT, United StatesMatinee performance. Details to follow.
Newtown Historical Society Open House
Matthew Curtiss House 44 Main Street, Newtown, CTThe event will include a friendly and informative tour of this historic house by the docents as well as games inside and out that recreate those partaken by children and adults during Colonial times. Visitors, for example, can learn all about the outdoor game of Graces, also known as French Hoops, where two players stand […]
Connecticut Relay Service: Making Communication Accessible
Relay Connecticut is a 24-hour service that enables individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind or have difficulty speaking to communicate freely with friends, family, and businesses. For people who have difficulty hearing or speaking, the simple act of using a telephone can be a challenging and frustrating experience. Whether it’s conducting business, speaking […]
Newtown Historical Society Tag Sale
Matthew Curtiss House 44 Main Street, Newtown, CTBuyers will find a host of community-donated items including antiques and collectables, furniture, kitchen items, home décor, sports equipment, toys, and books. The rain date is June 24, 2023. No Early Birds! To prepare for the tag sale, the Newtown Historical Society is asking the community to please drop off antiques, small furniture, and collectables […]
Local Author Presentation
C. H. Booth Library 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT, United StatesThe book for June 21 is "My Truths, My Triumphs, My God" and LaVerne Blackwell, FONS Board member and Chair of our Outreach Program, will be presenting her work. If interested, please click here to register. If transportation is a problem, please email [email protected]. The fifth local author presentation co-sponsored by FONS and the C.H. […]
Protecting Yourself From Financial Fraud
C. H. Booth Library 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT, United StatesWe live in a fast-paced, technological world. Scammers are all around us, whose only goal is to steal your hard-earned money. Don't let con artists get the best of you. Learn about common banking scams and tips to avoid being a victim. Knowledge is your best defense! Monday, June 26 at 1:30 PM in the […]
Red Cross Blood Drive
Newtown Congregational Church 14 West Street, Newtown, CTHelp fill the gap and save lives by donating blood during this busy holiday season. Need is soaring but May donations fell 26,000 donations short of meeting patient needs. To schedule, please visit (enter 5320), scan the poster QR code with a smartphone (enter 5320), or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
C.H. Booth Library Big 47th Annual Book Sale
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane, Newtown, CTThe 47th Annual Friends of the C.H. Booth Library Book Sale will be held at Reed Intermediate School in Newtown Friday, July 7, 1pm to 5pm Saturday, July 8, 10am to 5pm Sunday, July 9, 10am to 5pm Monday, July 10, 10am to pm Tuesday, July 11, 10pm to 1 pm Shoppers at the sale—the […]
FONS Picnic In The Park
Dickinson Park 50 Elm Drive, Newtown, CT, United States“Picnic in the Park” (bring your picnic supper and a chair), 5:30 – 6:30 pm at the Dickinson Memorial Park Bandshell, followed by a Free concert sponsored by the Newtown Parks & Recreation Department, 6:30 – 8 pm at 50 Elm Drive & Brushy Hill Road. THERE IS AMPLE FREE PARKING AND TOILET FACILITIES ARE […]
2023 Local Author Program
C. H. Booth Library 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT, United StatesThe sixth local author presentation co-sponsored by FONS and the C.H. Booth Library is scheduled for Wednesday, July 19, from 5 - 7 PM in the Meeting Room at the C. H. Booth Library. You need to register for this event and will receive a free copy of the book (only 20 available) so you […]
Senior Center Open House & Health Fair
Newtown Senior Center 8 Simpson, Newtown, CT, United StatesThursday, July 20, from 10 am – 1 pm at the Senior Center. Stop by and say hello at the FONS table. Our volunteers would love to chat with you and answer any questions concerning FONS and the work we do and great activities and events we have coming up. FONS is also sponsoring the […]
Red Cross Blood Drive
Newtown Congregational Church 14 West Street, Newtown, CTIf your last blood donation was more than 56 days ago please schedule to donate soon! Come to give blood, platelets, or plasma July 12 - August 12, 2023, to be automatically entered for a chance to win a three-night New York getaway for two! Come by July 31 and get a Shark Week T-shirt […]
FONS Picnic In The Park
Dickinson Park 50 Elm Drive, Newtown, CT, United StatesPicnic in the Park” (bring your picnic supper and a chair), 5:30 – 6:30 pm at the Dickinson Memorial Park Bandshell, followed by a Free concert sponsored by the Newtown Parks & Recreation Department, 6:30 – 8 pm at 50 Elm Drive & Brushy Hill Road. THERE IS AMPLE FREE PARKING AND TOILET FACILITIES ARE […]
Salvation Army Christmas in July
Have fun ringing a Red Kettle Bell during this essential annual fundraiser. It's great fun (dress in costume if you like) and 90% of proceeds stay in Newtown. SIGN UP HERE Ringers ring for one or more 1-hour slots around Newtown. Thank you! Have a JOLLY GOOD TIME!
FONS Picnic in the Park
Dickinson Park 50 Elm Drive, Newtown, CT, United States“Picnic in the Park” (bring your picnic supper and a chair), 5:30 – 6:30 pm at the Dickinson Memorial Park Bandshell, followed by a Free concert sponsored by the Newtown Parks & Recreation Department, 6:30 – 8 pm at 50 Elm Drive & Brushy Hill Road. THERE IS AMPLE FREE PARKING AND TOILET FACILITIES ARE […]