Friends Of Newtown Seniors Inc was born out of two important ideas: First, that more could be done for, and by, the growing senior population. And Second, that the needs of seniors could best be met by working collaboratively with other organizations, and by being creative about filling the gaps. On May 10, 2016 a group of interested individuals met, and one year later that curious group of individuals became Friends Of Newtown Seniors Inc, a dynamic and inclusive non-profit, all-volunteer entity. Getting things done always takes a village. Our village includes many, but here are some of the groups and individuals that have helped us get going and continue to make our organization effective

Membership in the organization is open to anyone interested in advancing the interests of seniors in the community, through volunteerism, financial support or contribution as a resource specialist. Sign up for our email list.
The Board
Our board directs general activities of the organization through monthly meetings. Meetings of the executive committee and working committees are scheduled as needed during the course of the year. Membership contributes suggestions to the board for possible further action and serve as the base for volunteer work groups. The board reaches out to, and works with, all agencies and organizations in the town of Newtown and, when necessary, at the state and federal level to promote the interests and well-being of seniors in Newtown.
Our Partners
FONS was born of cooperation between and among the very organizations envisioned aspartners. Here are but a few of our partners: Tracy Brady of Visiting Angels is one of the founding members and has provided a vital link to the professional community. Maplewood of Newtown has provided in-kind and financial support to us since 2017. Friends Of Newtown Seniors Inc has established an excellent working
relationship with the Newtown Commission on Aging and Newtown Human Services as well as Newtown Youth and Family Services. We continue to work on developing partnerships through our involvement in the Newtown Chamber of Commerce and Business Network. FONS also sponsored a volunteer Fair which allowed many groups to promote their work and gather new volunteers.
Key Focus Areas
- Collaborate with the Commission on Aging and Newtown Senior Center to enhance services to all seniors.
- Partner with municipal and other organizations to expand senior -focused services and opportunities.
- Advocate to enhance senior quality of life, including Age -Friendly Livable Community Initiative projects.
- Organize senior social, cultural and educational activities.
- Advance creation of timely communication tools for seniors.
- Obtain grants and other funding for senior projects.
- Maintain a volunteer exchange to connect seniors with opportunities to serve and be served, including a Chore Service.
- Nurture cooperative intergenerational projects and relationships